Flash Fiction…Postcard Story…

The prompt is to use – George, Venice, bee, catastrophe, sweater – for a written piece that fits a postcard.

I, George Obbligato, otherwise called Giorgio in my hometown, Venice, am lying on the terrace on my chaise longue and recalling what happened between Orazio and me in the reataurant last night.

As you know, Orazio is the chef at my restaurant “Le Falerne alla Fiamma”. Last night, all of a sudden Orazio felt chilly. He put on his moth-eaten sweater, the one that trails loose threads from holes in the elbows. I was quite irritated to see him dangling some of these in the “zabaglione” he was whisking with vigorous strokes. I yelled at him. “If you are dressed so warm against imagined cold, I, myself am sweating from all the steam generated by the cooking pasta.”

I threw open the door leading to the alley, and went on separating radicchio leaves, washed these carefully, quite comfortable and busy, when suddenly Orazio starts yelling at the top of his lungs. “What a catastrophe, there’s a bee in my Zabaglione.”

This was a list of words given to my writing workshop to use in a ten-minute exercise. This is what I came up with from off the top of my head.

7 Responses to “Flash Fiction…Postcard Story…”

  1. Nita Says:

    These writing workshops really make one stretch one’s imagination don’t they. Well, “What a catastrophe, there’s a bee in my Zabaglione” is something I have never heard of! Good mental exercise, coming up with these kind of lines.

  2. the individual voice Says:

    This is fabulous. I love it. I hate prompts, but as you know….postcards I love. You’re taking a writing class? I’m totally jealous even though I hate writing classes. How do you like that? That’s also one of the best damn prompts I’ve ever seen with a bee and a sweater in Venice. Bravo!

  3. Guy Hogan Says:

    I’ve taken several writing workshops and I’ve taught flash fiction to undergraduates. I’ve never liked prompts but they do force you to think and write. I see you already understand the form of flash fiction: the setup, the buildup and then the payoff. Flash fiction doesn’t have to be about life changing events unless you’re a cook and then a bee in the Zabaglione is a catastrophe.

  4. suburbanlife Says:

    Nita – I copied this, from my workbook. The intent of our workshop leader was to have us write, within the limitations suggested by the prompt words. It was marvellous to hear other participants read the results of their writing to these limits. It’s good to know methods to get oneself writing, on anything. What may result may not be terrific, but it sure originates from within the person writing. Have you eaten Zabaglione? It’s delicious. G

    TIV – i no longer am taking the workshop, and wish I was. It got me over the fear of writing things down that pop up in my mind. Our instructor was a fabulous young writer, and i must say she made the experience great.G

    Guy Hogan – thanks for your comment. I find this a hard constraint to work within, but it sure helps one focus. I realize my catastrophe was frivolous, but then catastrophe to a cook may be different than for another type of worker. It was fun to do, and I think to encourage people to open themselves to writing, the trip, arduous though it be at times should also provide pleasure on the way. G

  5. pmousse Says:

    You are so very creative — well done.

  6. Nita Says:

    No, I have not eaten Zabaglione. In fact this is the first I heard of it! 🙂

  7. suburbanlife Says:

    Pmousse – we actually know a giorgio who owns a restaurant, but not “Moth to a Flame” which actually might be a seductive name for a restaurant, except for the singed bits. Thanks for your comment. G

    Nita – it is also called Sabayon – few ingredients and very sweet. There are good how-to recipes on the internet. If you have a sweet tooth or your husband and family members, this is a nice, simple dessert -but only if your traditional diet allows eggs. 🙂 G

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